Nugroho, Sofyan (2024) REKONSTRUKSI KEBIJAKAN PENANGGULANGAN KEJAHATAN MELALUI KEADILAN RESTORATIF YANG BERKEADILAN DAN BERKEPASTIAN HUKUM (Studi Kebijakan Penanggulangan Kejahatan Di Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia). Doctoral thesis, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang.
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Kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan melalui keadilan restoratif yang berkeadilan dan berkepastian hukum yang dilaksanakan oleh Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia melalui kebijakan Penal dan kebijakan Non-Penal. Kebijakan
Penal fungsi penegakan hukum oleh penyidik kegiatan penerapan hukum pidana (criminal law application) dan kebijakan Non-Penal fungsi preemtif oleh Bhabinkamtibmas kegiatan mempengaruhi pandangan masyarakat mengenai kejahatan dan pemidanaan lewat media masa (Influencing views of society on crime and punishment) dan fungsi preventif oleh Unit Patroli Samapta kegiatan Pencegahan tanpa pidana (prevention without punishment). Fokus studi kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan di tinjau dari tiga aspek
yaitu filosofis, sosiologis dan yuridis dengan rumusan masalah adalah: 1).Bagaimana pengaturan kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan di Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia melalui keadilan restoratif yang berkeadilan dan
berkepastian hukum?, 2).Mengapa pelaksanaan kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan di Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia melalui keadilan restoratif belum berkeadilan dan berkepastian hukum?, 3).Bagaimana rekonstruksi kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan di Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia melalui keadilan restoratif yang berkeadilan dan berkepastian hukum? Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis empiris (sosio legal) dengan paradigma Post Positivisme. Lokasi penelitian sampel di Mabes Polri,
Polda Jateng dan jajaran. Data primer diperoleh langsung narasumber dengan melakukan wawancara, focus group discussion, dan observasi. Data sekunder diperoleh dengan melakukan studi pustaka dan studi dokumenter. Analisis hasil
penelitian menggunakan analisis Kualitatif, tehnik validasi data menggunakan derajat kepercayaan melalui triangulasi, kecukupan referensial dan kajian kasus. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan rumusan masalah maka dapat di simpulkan: 1). Pengaturan kebijakan dari aspek filosofis berupa Pancasila telah digunakan sebagai dasar ideologi, nilai-nilai, prinsip dalam penyusunan perundang-undangan dan peraturan yang berkaitan dengan keadilan restoratif, aspek sosiologis berupa mekanisme penanggulangan kejahatan melalui keadilan
restoratif dengan kebijakan penal dan kebijakan non-penal belum secara maksimal dilaksanakan, dan aspek yuridis berupa perundang-undangan dan peraturan terkait keadilan restoratif secara tersurat belum secara tegas mencerminkan keadilan restoratif, 2). Pelaksanaan kebijakan penangulangan kejahatan melalui keadilan restoratif di Polri belum berkeadilan dan belum berkepastian hukum karena produk administrasi keadilan restoratif belum mendapatkan penetapan dari pengadilan, 3). Rekonstruksi kebijakan penanggulangan kejahatan melalui keadilan restoratif dengan dibuatkan Undang-Undang yang memayungi dalam sistem peradilan pidana, tidak dibuat secara terpisah (fragmented) dan membuka ruang penyelesaian untuk dilakukan keadilan restoratif sebagai bagian dari proses sistem peradilan pidana.
Crime prevention policies through restorative justice that is fair and certain of law implemented by the Indonesian National Police through penal policies and non-penal policies. Penal policy law enforcement function by investigators criminal law application activities and non-penal policy preemptive function by Bhabinkamtibmas activities influencing public views on crime and punishment
through the mass media (Influencing views of society on crime and punishment) and preventive function by the Samapta Patrol Unit prevention activities without punishment (prevention without punishment). The focus of the study of crime prevention policies is reviewed from three aspects, namely philosophical, sociological and legal with the formulation of the problem being: 1). How is the regulation of crime prevention policies in the Republic of Indonesia National Police through restorative justice that is just and
has legal certainty?, 2). Why is the implementation of crime prevention policies in the Republic of Indonesia National Police through restorative justice not yet just and has legal certainty?, 3). How is the reconstruction of crime prevention policies in the Republic of Indonesia National Police through restorative justice that is just and has legal certainty? The research method used is empirical juridical (socio-legal) with the Post Positivism paradigm. The sample research location is at the National Police
Headquarters, Central Java Regional Police and ranks. Primary data is obtained directly from sources by conducting interviews, focus group discussions, and observations. Secondary data is obtained by conducting literature studies and documentary studies. Analysis of research results using Qualitative analysis, data validation techniques using degrees of trust through triangulation, referential
adequacy and case studies. Based on the research results and problem formulation, it can be concluded: 1). Arrangement The policy from the philosophical aspect in the form
of Pancasila has been used as the basis of ideology, values, principles in the preparation of legislation and regulations related to restorative justice, the sociological aspect in the form of crime prevention mechanisms through restorative justice with penal policies and non-penal policies has not been maximally implemented, and the legal aspect in the form of legislation and regulations related to restorative justice has not explicitly reflected restorative justice, 2). The implementation of the policy of crime prevention through restorative justice in the Police is not yet just and has not been legally certain because the product of restorative justice administration has not received a
determination from the court, 3). Reconstruction of the policy of crime prevention through restorative justice by making a Law that covers it in the criminal justice system, not made separately (fragmented) and opening up space for resolution to be carried out restorative justice as part of the criminal justice system process.
Item Type: | Thesis (Doctoral) |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Rekonstruksi, Kebijakan Kriminal, Penanggulangan Kejahatan, Keadilan Restoratif, Kepastian Hukum; Reconstruction, Criminal Policy, Crime Prevention, Restorative Justice, Legal Certainty |
Subjects: | K Law > K Law (General) |
Divisions: | Fakultas Hukum > 74001 - S3 Hukum |
Depositing User: | Fakultas Hukum S3 |
Date Deposited: | 23 Oct 2024 10:13 |
Last Modified: | 16 Dec 2024 06:08 |
URI: | |