Leisubun, Levinus Askensio Magath (2024) EVALUASI DAYA DUKUNG TIANG PANCANG TUNGGAL D-600 PADA WING WALL (STUDI KASUS PEMBANGUNAN JALAN TOL SEMARANG-DEMAK PAKET 1C). Undergraduate thesis, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang.

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Penggunaan tiang pancang dalam konstruksi bangunan merupakan hal yang umum, terutama dalam konstruksi bangunan tinggi dan proyek-proyek yang berada di wilayah dengan kondisi tanah yang tidak stabil. Tugas akhir ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi daya dukung tiang pancang Diameter (D) 600mm dengan panjang tiang (L) 41m pada bangunan Dinding sayap di
proyek pembangunan jalan tol Semarang-Demak paket 1C, penelitian ini di lakukan berdasarkan data Standard Penetration Test(SPT), Static Load Test (SLT), dan pile driving analyzer (PDA), beban rencana yaitu sebesar 97,5 ton, berdasarkan hasil pengolahan data SPT dengan menggunakan metode Luciano Decourt (1987) mendapatkan daya dukung tiang (Qu) sebesar 277,5 ton dan daya dukung ijin (Qall) 138,75 ton serta metode Mayerhoff (1956) daya dukung tiang (Qu) 342,8 ton dan daya dukung ijin (Qall) 171,4 ton, sedangkan berdasarkan data SLT menggunakan metode interpretasi Chin (1970) mendapatkan hasil daya dukung tiang (Qu) 303,03 ton dan daya dukung ijin (Qall) 151,515 ton serta interpretasi metode Davisson (1972) mendapatkan hasil daya dukung tiang (Qu) 195 ton dan daya dukung ijin (Qall) 97,5 ton. berdasarkan hasil PDA dan di analisis menggunakan aplikasi CAPWAP daya dukung tiang(Qu) sebesar 260 ton dan daya dukung ijin (Qall) 130 ton.


The use of piles in building construction is common, especially in the construction of tall buildings and projects located in areas with unstable soil conditions. This final project aims to evaluate the bearing capacity of piles with a diameter (D) of 600mm with a pile length (L) of 41m on the wing wall building in the Semarang-Demak toll road construction project package 1C, this research was carried out based on Standard Penetration Test (SPT) data, Static Load Test (SLT), and pile driving analyzer (PDA), the planned load is 97.5 tonnes, based on the results of SPT data processing using the Luciano Decourt method (1987) to obtain a pile bearing capacity (Qu) of 277.5 tonnes and permit carrying capacity (Qall) 138.75 tons and the Mayerhoff method (1956) pile carrying capacity (Qu) 342.8 tons and permit carrying capacity (Qall) 171.4 tons, while based on SLT data using the Chin interpretation method (1970) we get The results of the pile bearing capacity
(Qu) are 303.03 tons and the permit bearing capacity (Qall) is 151,515 tons and the interpretation of the Davisson method (1972) results in the pile bearing capacity (Qu) being 195 tons and the permit bearing capacity (Qall) being 97.5 tons. Based on PDA results and analyzed using the CAPWAP application, the pile bearing capacity (Qu) is 260 tons and the permit carrying capacity (Qall) is 130 tons.

Item Type: Thesis (Undergraduate)
Uncontrolled Keywords: Evaluasi, SPT, SLT, PDA, tiang pancang
Subjects: T Technology > TA Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General)
T Technology > TE Highway engineering. Roads and pavements
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > 22201 - S1 Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: Fakultas Teknik
Date Deposited: 17 Sep 2024 07:05
Last Modified: 17 Sep 2024 07:05
URI: http://repository.untagsmg.ac.id/id/eprint/1239

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